Friday, March 25, 2011

How do you pack?

I've always been a heavy packer.

What if it rains? What if it's too cold? What if I spill something and I need to change my shirt four times?

And that's for a day hike - without the kid!

I'm learning, slowly but surely, through experience and a bum back that preparation (checking the forecast, for example) takes out some of those variables and lightens the load.  Yes, there are still variables and some things still might-maybe-what if happen. But I'm learning to roll with it.

A light load makes for a more enjoyable journey. I travel for work and I've found that packing light gets me in and out of the dreaded airport that much faster.

(See my post here to see how that plays with me in other ways.)

Packing for the worst-case scenario isn't always reasonable or optimal.

Yes, I'm sure it COULD snow in June...but do I pack a parka, mittens and hat??

I came to the realization that life is the same way. Why pack a heavier load - in weight, in toxic friendships, in responsibilities, in stress, in general?

Prepare yourself - physically, mentally, and emotionally through healthy eating, exercise, meditation and planning and let the rest slough off.

Living life worrying about the worse case scenario keeps you from enjoying a good or even great scenario.

Pack light and enjoy!