Monday, March 29, 2010

Is that death I smell on you? Or mud? Or shit? Ah Spring!!

Spring is springing here in BFE, Indiana. There is nothing quite like being distracted from stacks of work, cleaning, laundry, and cooking like a sunshine and blue skies! Ahhh! Soon, I'll get my shit together and go hang my beloved hammock in the trees. But it's heavy, and rain seems to always be in "tomorrow's" forecast when I want to hang it. Maybe I'll just go to bed instead.

I have some landscaping that I've decided I'm going to add to my "To Do" (but probably won't get done) list this year. I'd like to spruce up the view from the home office window. Right now, I have a bright, shiny view of a transformer and electric box. Oh and a huge puddle just beside that when it rains (which, come to think of it) probably isn't a terrific thing in and of itself.

When daydreaming out my office window, I can also see my older dog laying/sleeping/rolling/drinking said puddle.

The younger dog knows better.
Much better
She rolls on dead things and eats shit instead.
You know - like a normal dog.
And then licks the inside of my child's mouth.

Happy Monday, Ladies. Sorry this is a short post.

Personal circumstances leave me a bit less than inspired as of late. Hopefully the coming days will inspire more entertaining entries.

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