Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Today's word is "Simplify"

Say it with me - SIM - PLI - FY.


It's been a rough couple of weeks. While I managed to stay on top of my primary and secondary duties, I came to realize that I had pulled more onto my plate than I need.

More commitments.

More duties.

More stuff with less me to go around.

Today, I stripped down.

Bare bones.

You'll notice it in the lack of ads on my blog.

I've cut the strings.

I shall dance when I want, and not based on numbers of page views.

Not that I was ever solely focused on making money off this here blog, but now it's free. And so am I.

Free of the commitment of follow-up. Free of counting pennies. Free of it all.

Just one step of a few that I am taking today to give myself some breathing room.



Stay At Home Babe said...

Good for you!!! Just looking at it quickly and it's giving me an error over in the right sidebar where your google friend connect is meant to be. I don't know if it's temporary or chronic, so I thought I'd tell you. Good luck with your new freedom and simplification!

Tonya said...

Ahhhh I dream of that. So many rules to follow.